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Bettas4all presents: The Holland Betta Show 2011





Bettas4all presents: The Holland Betta Show 2011

19-21 August 2011

Kasteeltuinen Arcen

Lingsforterweg 26

5944 BE Arcen

The Netherlands


With 265 show bettas brought together by 26 hobby breeders from 7 European countries (Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic and the Netherlands) the 2010 edition of the Holland Betta Show was a big international succes! Bettas4all.nl therefore is proud to be invited for 19th edition of the Holland Koi Show to organize the Holland Betta Show 2011.

The Holland Betta Show again can be found in the fully acclamatized tent of the Holland Aquarium Show. The Holland Betta Show is a unique opportunity for Bettas4all to introduce our beautiful hobby to the public. A dedicated team of experienced betta hobbyists will provide you with all the information about all aspects of our beautiful hobby.

At the show approximately 200-250 show bettas of different color and finnage varieties will be shown. To determine the winners of the different showclasses and the special prices, the fish will be judged on vitality, color, finnage, bodyshape and overall appearance according to the Bettas4all Standard. It will also be possible for the visitors to purchase some quality fish for a reasonable price.


Important information:

Maximum number of fish per breeder: 15.

Entry fee per fish: 2.50 euro.


!!Special bonus for participants!!

• When you enter <10 fish you will receive a 1-day entry ticket for the entire event (with a value of 16,50 euro).

• When you enter >10 fish you will receive a 3-day entry ticket for the entire event (with a value of 40 euro).


Benching of the fish takes place on Thursday 18th August 2011 between 15.00-20.00h. You can collect your fish again on Sunday 22nd August 2010 at 18.00h.


Payment of the entry fee has to be made when you bench your fish on Thurday 18th August 2011.


Registration will open on the 1st of July 2011 and will close at the 15th of august 2010.


We would like to invite you all for the 19th edition of the Holland Koi Show 2011. We hope to welcome you in the tent of the Holland Aquarium Show to come and see the Holland Betta Show for yourself. Please mark 19-21 August 2011 in your agenda!



Have fun!


With kind regards,


The Bettas4all Show Team 2011



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Почта: bettas[собакус]yandex.ru

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